The South Delta Garden Club
Established in 1952 The South Delta Garden Club meets the third Tuesday* of the month in Ladner. Meetings feature knowledgeable guest speakers, show and share, door prize, raffles, refreshments and the sharing of information in a positive social environment with local gardening enthusiasts. Membership $35 / year, Guest $10 per meeting. “Garden Dirt” Q&A’s - Virtual Meeting on the 4th Monday of the month to ask questions and share knowledge.
Club activities include day tours, visits to club members' gardens, workshops, community projects, a summer picnic and Christmas party. Check out our Event's page for details.
*No meeting in July, Aug & Dec. Click Find Us for location details
Check out our FaceBook Page for the latest news.
Epimedium Sulphureum
February 18 Speaker
Shady Characters
Chris Jennings
Doors open at 7:00 pm
Speaker begins at 7:30 pm
Details to follow
Giving Back to the Community
SDGC's purpose is to promote the love of gardening, to protection and conservation of native trees, plants, and wildlife, and to work for the beautification of South Delta.
We actively maintain 3 public gardens to showcase our efforts. Members volunteer their time and plants, twice weekly. It's a friendly way to meet other members. We share our knowledge and skills while maintaining these gardens.
Each garden has a lead gardener to coordinate efforts. Join us; have fun digging in the dirt and learn as you go.
DSS Memorial Garden in memory of senior students who died in a tragic accident on Delta Port Way.
Delta Hospital Healing Garden, the inner courtyard beside the cafeteria
Delta Hospital's extended care wing Mountain View Manor's 3 gated patios and flagpole berm.
Tid Bits
Angelika Hedley writes, “Here is a very thorough, concise and clear article on autumn in our gardens from the Xerces Society.” Nesting & Overwintering Habitat for Pollinators and other Beneficial Insects.
Monthly TO DO
Click here to see the entire calendar
Club members, see your News in Bloom monthly newsletter for up to date information and more things to do.
Yellow Poppy
The Bees Need Your Help!!
Neonicotinoid pesticides are slowly killing bees. 75% of the world's honey is now contaminated with bee-killing pesticides.
Please educate yourself and make sure you are not part of the problem.